The summer heat and the winter cold and windy weather makes the roof space feel uncomfortable.

The version with ordinary materials and solutions of thermal insulation works very often cause avoidable engineering errors: different insulation thicknesses, missing insulation in hard to reach places, connection leaks, faulty wind resistance. An insulation thickness reaches 20-25 cm with typical execution on renovation or roof extension.

If the building is insulated properly, you can achieve the requirements of the Energy Saving Ordinance or passive house requirements. That a building is environmentally friendly and saves operating costs. It can meet the expectations of the future builders and become easier to sell. The sale price is in the long term stable.

You have a stable investment and low operating costs. An intermediate rafters insulation with the 20-25 cm-insulation thickness is not possible, of course, only if the rafters to be doubled. Of course, this solution is associated with high costs. (Additional support structures for insulation and drywall).Either the attic is small or the building slightly higher (possibly with new planning application).

A-HIDROPUR offers a solution. The new insulation material of A-HIDROPUR has extraordinary properties: closed by construction and better thermal resistance corresponds to 10-12 cm A-HIDROPUR insulation for 20-25 cm of the most commonly used insulating materials. The A-HIDROPUR insulation is designed as situ. This injection method allows windproof connections and seamless insulation layers. Additional roof sheeting can be omitted. The insulation material is self-adhesive and foaming fills the hard to reach openings also. After hardening also increases the rigidity of the roof truss. The execution is very fast and convenient. If an interior lining of the roof truss is available, the application of external take place. The roof tiles are removed, executed the work and re-laid the roof (renewed possibly).

The insulation material is self-adhesive and foaming fills the hard to reach openings also. After hardening also increases the rigidity of the roof truss. The execution is very fast and convenient. If an interior lining of the roof truss is available, the application of external take place. The roof tiles are removed, executed the work and re-laid the roof (renewed possibly).

Advantages of A-HIDROPUR situ technique(spray foam technology):
- quick and easy execution
- The interior of the roof shall not be affected
- properly air thick barrier to the rafters, windproof by the insulation
- much greater insulation ability, reduced insulation thickness, thus no additional construction
- through highly effective insulation less heating costs, costs for air conditioning



Up to 70% you can save on energy costs! Instead of heating to go on holiday!

Make the right decision! Get informed now! Their savings in one year - heating and cooling-period expected - possibly over 1000,-euros may be. Example way, they can finance the next holidays as a result.

After 10 years of running time disappear up the chimney as much energy costs, which you could actually a middle class car finance. To the comes a very important fact, that the air and the environment over a ton of carbon dioxide per year will be stressed.

More specifically, when you solve the thermal insulation of their entire house with PU hard foam injection technology, you can achieve after a few weeks already significant reductions in heating or cooling costs. The sum remains in your pocket!

Characteristics of the material

Promotional material

For further information please contact us or request a promotional DVD. You can also specify which language you want on the specified presentation.

Contact us

You can find us at the address below or contact us via phone or e-mail.

Address: BAKARSKA 22, 31000 Osijek
Telephone1: +385 98 90 00 006
Telephone2: +385 95 86 97 840