Polyurea elastomer ( Polyurea) otherwise known as Polyurea formed by reaction of two components - isocyanate and resin blend.

Polyurea membrane applied on properly prepared, dry and free of grease. The application process we carry out spray, using high grade 200 aggregates of bar pressure with the mixing ratio 1:1 at a temperature above 80 ° C

The process of creating the shell is not complicated and is very fast. It is also important, that due to rapid chemical reaction system can be applied directly to the concrete structure or steel, and the object can be re-commissioned almost immediately after coating, which prevents the generation of the high costs of excluding the object of Use.

Application Polyureas depends solely on our imagination. Excellent application flexibility makes, they can be applied on both the old and the new which surfaces. These products are applicable in the implementation of protective coatings of concrete structures and steel, exposed to extremely aggressive environmental conditions. Durability of polyurein is 25 years.


- Seamless insulating coating (there are no bridges)
- The extraordinary adhesion to the surface and the possibility of application to surfaces of any shape (min. glass, bmetal, beton i inne).
- Durable Coating
- without a solvent
- Resistant to various solvents, acids & caustic materials
- Weather & water proof
- Resistance to UV rays
- and many more….


- steel, metal construction
- bridges
- refinery
- tunnels
- oil platforms
- pipelines, oil pipelines, gas pipelines
- shipbuilding
- protection of crates trucks and wagons
- floor coatings that require extremely solid surface


- corrosion protection and topcoat
- is applied in a single layer, the thickness of 1-3 mm
- wearproof
- Curing max 25 seconds
- After 120 seconds, the surface can be walked
- After 24 hours acquires full mechanical resistance
- high efficiency 250 m2/h
- applicable to all building materials
- Excellent Resistance to Thermal Shock -40°C do +200oC
- environmentally safe product


- The viscosity of the mixture components at a temperature of T=80°C : 100 MPa-s
- firmness-ShoreD : 70 (90Shore A)
- Tensile rigor : 17,5 MPa
- Firmness break after cut : 15,5 Mpa
- elasticity : 110
- Adhesion to metal base : 12,0 Mpa
- Adhesion to concrete base : 1,3 Mpa
- drying time : 30 s
- Setting time on T=+20 : 2 min
- Mechanical resistance : nakon 24 sata)
- consumption (1 mm) : 1 kg/m2

Characteristics of the material

Promotional material

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Contact us

You can find us at the address below or contact us via phone or e-mail.

Address: BAKARSKA 22, 31000 Osijek
Telephone1: +385 98 90 00 006
Telephone2: +385 95 86 97 840
E-mail: info@purtech.hr